The world needs a change, and it needs it Now.
A profound awakening.

By merging the power of humanity and technology, we can build hope and a sustainable future.

Entrepreneur deeply passionate about technology, innovation and consciousness,
Vanessa is the founder of SEEDS., a collective & global project of physical & immersive spaces to
raise consciousness

SEEDS. is a network of Therapists around the world, sharing same values and the vision to empower individuals by reconnecting the dots.
Connecting the soul, the mind & the body.
Connecting education & experiences.  
Connecting ancient & new technologies.

She leads SEEDS. to growth and acts as a therapist, sharing the medicines of water therapy (Aguahara),
Bikram Yoga, meditations and heart coherence.

I believe in Human technology.

Innovation & future can only be led through self-aware, responsible, resilient stewards.
Educating and Embodying our
Emotional & Heart intelligences is essential for true individual Leadership

We are emotional beings. This theme leads every single piece of our life.
In a world where AI is taking center stage, the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI)  has never been more critical.
Connecting with others
Navigating complexity
Decision-making after AI generation
Leading with courage and empathy.
These are the key leadership skills for the next generations.

Emotion & Heart intelligence are the next big things that will drive innovation in the future.
The world needs awareness & education to bring change and transform.

Vanessa facilitates workshops, talks and individual coachings on Emotional Intelligence.
Knowledge & practical tools.
To engage, empower and inspire.

Training program & 1 : 1 workshop
Emotional intelligence || Leadership

Web3, Innovation & Tech Conference-event ?
Decentralization & innovation need a sound human stewardship.

Emotional mastery & ownership.
Human identity, creative potential & value.
This is human intelligence, growing hand in hand with Artificial intelligence.

Book your talk on AI & EI
Disrupt the minds, shake the beliefs and enable transformation.

Entrepreneur, start-up or incubator ?

You already know
how key leadership & emotional intelligence are for real success.
Register to a transformative
2 days workshop on Emotional & Heart Leadership , the courage & acting bold to drive transformation in your business world.

Download the brochure here
and contact us!

We also educate Mexican schools with a program for children on Emotional intelligence, in parallel of teachers & tutors education.

Heart coherence

Future = AI + EI + HI
Artificial intelligence, Emotional Intelligence
& the Heart Intelligence need to be combined together to build a vision of the future.

Less stress, more clarity, performance & decision making. A solid leadership, strong intuition and real inner peace.

There are only a few of the benefits of practicing Heart coherence 3min a day !

Healing is a journey
Healing is a travel inside ourselves.

Since the most Ancient times, Nature has always brought us the Love, the means and the support
to heal our spirits and grow in consciousness.

Water is the emotional healing Element. Reconnecting you to the water inside, in the womb
And transporting you back to your Soul.

I worked the past 12 years for large Luxury & retail corporations market leaders in their sectors, as well as startups.
The Swatch Group Ltd., The Estee Lauder Companies, IKKS Group, Mars || Start-ups in tech, web3, real estate, personal development, semi-precious stones.

I guide change-making projects define their why and a coherent, impactful brand & business strategy.
That is something I love to do, is easy for me and I am good at.

I am Vanessa Walach - a free-spirit, an explorer, a dreamer and a builder.
I believe in hope.
I believe in leading with the Heart.
I believe in sharing & inspiring to disrupt & lead the change.