Welcome to our Online Course on
Heart Coherence! 

We are excited you joined our community and embark on this journey of empowerment,
discovery and transformation!

But first and before, thank you for your trust.

Something led you to this page.
Maybe you assisted one of our many workshops, felt the limits of your leadership skills, or had the curiosity to learn something new,...
Most probably you already experienced limits in your personal life or career and your inner sense deeply knows that heart coherence is a practice that can change your life.

Everything has always been simple … until we started to make it complex.

Heart coherence is a practice in 3 steps, that takes only 3 minutes a day.

3 steps in 3 min of daily practice grow your clarity, vision and inner peace.
3 steps in 3 min of daily practice bring your brain and heart into physiological harmony. Lowering stress and improving your immune, nervous and hormonal systems.
3 steps in 3 min of daily practice to start leading from your heart, the most essential key to live with purpose, dedication and fulfilment.

It is an honour to share this beautiful, life-changing practice with you.

The practice of heart coherence has the power to bring positive changes not only to your own lives but also to the lives of everyone around you.
It is a calling for each and every one of us, the power of the heart calls each gender, each generation - children and elderly.
It is something that has deeply touched our hearts, and we can't wait to share this with you!

Guided by Vanessa, this course goes beyond teaching.
It is about experiencing Heart Coherence and leadership firsthand

Whether you're seeking personal growth, a calmer mind, or deeper connections with others, the state of heart coherence offers something invaluable.
It empowers you to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience, make wiser choices, and tap into your natural intuitive guidance.

This course is for everyone - children, teenagers, and adults alike. It's about spreading joy, promoting harmony, and building connections that can truly
make a difference in the world. 

Heart Coherence & Leadership

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

 Why you need this practice in your life

What you will learn and experience in this workshop:

Heart and Brain Coherence:

  • Understand the science and evidence-base behind heart and brain coherence.

  • Harmonising the heart and brain improves physical and mental health, the immune system, hormonal balance, and the nervous system.

How it contributes to your emotional awareness:

  • The connection and access to your emotions.

The daily practice:

  • Learn to practise heart coherence daily to feel calm and reduce stress.

  • Guided instructions focusing on the breath, heart connection, and elevated emotions like appreciation, care, and gratitude.

The benefits you will gain:

Success and Mental Capacity:

  • Heart coherence techniques boost personal and professional success.

  • It profoundly improves brain function and mental capacities.

True Leadership: intuition and decision-making:

  • Exploring the role of intuition and its scientific connection.

  • Enhancing decision-making abilities.

Energy and Electromagnetic Field:

  • Thoughts and emotions are energy that, when coherent, positively affect our state and electromagnetic field.

  • Why empathy is directly linked to your field and how you can access it.

Overall Well-Being:

  • Improving your individual well-being and relationships, as well as global harmony

Learn the practical technique & daily application

Practical techniques:

  • Master 3 simple steps for daily heart coherence practice.

  • You will master hand placement, breathing, and manage your immune response.

Daily Application:

  • Apply heart coherence in daily routines, professional settings, and personal challenges.

  • Three minutes a day leads to calmness and clarity, especially during stress.
