Emotional courage & (self-) Leadership
Emotional intelligence, Leadership Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist Emotional intelligence, Leadership Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Emotional courage & (self-) Leadership

Emotional courage empowers leaders to rise above fear and embrace the full spectrum of emotions.
It's about daring greatly, taking risks, and forging authentic connections.
Through self-awareness, bold action, and unwavering authenticity, you can unlock your leadership potential and inspire positive change.
Embrace emotional courage, and lead with passion and purpose.

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#Mindhack : The real truth about New Year happy resolutions
Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

#Mindhack : The real truth about New Year happy resolutions

The problem with New Year's resolutions is the unrealistic expectations and societal pressure they create.
To address this, try "hacking" your mind with a bottom-up approach: reflect on the past, be honest about the present, and adapt for the future.
Being truthful with yourself and accepting negative experiences can lead to positive growth.

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