The science and evidence behind it

Coherence is a state where our heart, mind, and emotions are in energetic alignment with each other.
We obtain this state with a simple breathing technique combined with intentionally experiencing renewing emotions.

In our previous article, we shared the incredible benefits to doing a daily heart coherence practice.

Heart coherence is the natural intelligence of the heart.

Accessing that intelligence is accessing directly to our levels of energy and harmony.

  1. Harmony within ourselves
    Less stress, more resilience, more intuitive guidance and better choices.

  2. Harmony within our interactions.
    My heart to your heart

  3. Harmony with Earth and globally

Heart coherence is scientific research.
Very concrete tools & practices - for all ages, all people, all religions, all communities.

Practical Coherence

When you‘re in heart coherence, there is increased harmony inside your nervous system, hormonal system and immune systems.
Thet are re-balancing and your heart, mind and emotions are realigning to build resilience throughout your system

Heart Intelligence

When you practice coherence techniques, it might seem like not much is going on, yet on a body level a lot is happening.
Increased harmony among the neurons in your brain.
Increased synchronization in the communication between your heart and brain

To undersdand how and why your power lies inside you, and not outside; to understand how to make it happen, you have to understand how energy works.

Fact 1 : Our heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

This happens through our nervous system.
The activity of the heart & the neural signals it's generating, profoundly affect brain function, and our mental capacities

To understand what those signals are and how the heart can communicate first, we have to understand that everything is energy.

Fact 2 : We are electric beings.

We are made of billions of quantums.
A quantum is 99,9999% nothing. Vacious. Emptyness. Energy
And 0,00001% of matter. This means that around every portion of matter, there is actually a ton more of energy.

Waves of energies oscillate at a certain frequency. This frequency, carries information.

Fact 2.1 : Same frequencies, enter in coherence together.
They match and amplify.
Waves of energy moving at a same frequency will naturally and automatically enter in coherence together.

Think of it…
Your thoughts are energy.
Your emotions (e-motion = energy in motion) are energy.

Everything we emanate, the information out of us, correlates to or with our emotional states.
This is what we call empathy.
The capacity to guess with high accuracy in which emotional state a person is, based on what information is being carried out in the field.

What do you think happens when your thoughts match your emotions ?
They match together and create your whole state of being. What emanates from you. And what you will attract

Everything is energy. Nikolas Tesla said, If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, you have to think in terms of frequency. Frequencies carry information.

Fact 2.2 : Your heart is an amplifier.

Its electromagnetic activity is so powerful that I would put a probe 6meters away from you and still read your heart beats, whereas the electric activity of the brain can only be read close from it.

When heart and brain enter in harmony, the heart will amplify your consciousness & broadcast it out in the world with much more power. This is the basic principle of manifestation.

What happens when the brain and heart enter in coherence ?

When our heart and brain are in coherence, thers is a coordinated action.
1. Between our brain and nervous system
2. Between our hormonal, immune and, nervous systems.
3. With external systems.
Coherent bodies operate more efficiently.

When in coherence, we help our body facilitate natural regenerative processes, we feel less stress, anxiety, …

In a social domain, it impacts your coherence into relationships.
With teams, relatives, family.
Are you working together harmoniously? Are you communicating easily and well?

Finally and in the energetic domain, we can feel the frequencies of people, read the information of it, and connect to it.
This is how we perceive the mood when entering a room. “feel the vibe”,

Check out the Episode 3 to discover the practical steps of this incredibly powerful practice.
Stay tuned. But most of all, stay tuned to your heart.

Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Vanessa is an entrepreneur, deeply passionate about technology, innovation and consciousness.

She is the Founder & Lead Practicioner of SEEDS.DOT, connecting knowledge and practices around soul, mind & body. In physical & digital.immersive spaces.
SEEDS.DOT is empowering individuals, connecting the dots to raise collective consciousness.

Vanessa is a
speaker, trainer and workshop facilitator on Emotional intelligence & Heart Coherence.
She is an accredited Life-coach, passionate about human mindset, spirituality & the power of emotions in every single customer or personal experience.

She advises innovative startups who create solutions to transform society.
Vanessa has worked the past 12 years for Retail & Luxury corporations as well as start-ups, and has a proven track of empowering brand identity, business with impact, meaningful marketing and true leadership. She coaches entrepreneurs & start-ups on brand strategy & go-to-market success.

She is a Soul guiding change in this new world, leading from the Heart and sharing the power of Love.

Heart Coherence : Episode 3


Heart Coherence : Episode 1