How to practice Heart Coherence yourself ?

Practicing Heart coherence daily has a direct effect on your inner world, and how you come out in the outer world.

Earlier in this series, we explained what Heart Coherence truly is about, as well as the science and evidence-based knowledge behind is.

Now is time to practice it, adopt it and make a habit out of it.

You don’t need any external teacher, guide or help. I want you to be fully autonomous with it - and this is much easier than you think.
Just knowing how it works, and practice, are the keys.

In this article, I will guide you in the 3 steps, the How-To.


We all have heart qualities within us, such as dignity, ease, love, patience and compassion. Each individual is born with the full range of emotions inside himself.

It is our job to awaken these heart qualities more to bring about the changes we wish to see in our personal life and in the world.

We live stressful & fast lives.
To connect and bring love, kindness, patience, compassion to our interactions, takes practice.
However, opening our heart more can make a lot of difference in the outcomes.

The 3 steps of practicing Heart Coherence

Heart coherence has to be practiced for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Here are the 3 steps to follow:

1.Place your hand on your heart

With this action, you are shifting your awareness from a thinking mind to a feeling heart.
This is how indigenous tribes were practicing.

Touching your chest calls in the energy of your body.
Your subconscious and unconscious. You are calling in an intelligence and energy that go way beyond your mind.

Remember, awareness is always going to go where you touch !
With this step, we want to create a sensation around the heart zone

2. The Breath

You want to slow the breathing more than usual, and exhale longer than you inhale.

It is the ratio from the inhale to the exhale of the breath, that triggers the sympathetic of parasympathetic (relaxations response that we want) nervous system

This breath is not about how long you do inhale or exhale. It is about the ratio between the two.
Find one that is comfortable for you and consciously breathe that way.

By breathing this way, you are also immediately telling your body that he is in a safe space. This awakens the healing chemistry and starts changing the hormone release insude your system.

Think of it : Your best environment is already this one.

A lot of people think you need the good environment to practice.
Reality is : the moment you will probably need it the most will most probably be the moment where you are the least relaxed or well surrounded to do so (stressed, chaos around you, life and death decisions, …)
You don’t have to have your yoga mat ready to practice.

This is the pure essence of the practice : where you will find your power and mastery is where you’re able to create the conditions inside your heart and your body, that serve you in that moment regardless of what the world around you shows you.

If you wait for the world around you to shift that for you, you’re giving your power away to that world

Back to the practice: Simply focusing on the heart doesn’t bring on coherence.
Neither focusing and slowering the breath. It is the fact that you practice both together, that sets the right nest and context.

The following and third step is the most important one, and becomes easier the more we do it.

3.Connect to the feeling

Choose to connect voluntarily to a positive emotion. The easiest one is gratitude.

Almost everyone responds to feeling a feeling of gratitude - care - appreciation or compassion for anything or anyone

So now, in the presence of a heart focus and regulated breathing, practice feeling the gratitude or the other positive/high frequency emotion you want to connect to. Feel the feeling of gratitude.

With this, it begins to send a signal between the neuro network of the heart and the neural network of the brain.

And .. that’s it folks ! Here you are, heart coherence masters already !

We always think it can’t be that simple.
Reality is, it can be that simple. We just don’t believe so.
We live in a world that is simple until we make it complex.

Join us on our full workshop to learn more about how to practice it and when, as well as the situations where you will need it and how.

Remember, you are the master of yourself. You have always been. And now is a time to remember it and go for it.

Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Vanessa is an entrepreneur, deeply passionate about technology, innovation and consciousness.

She is the Founder & Lead Practicioner of SEEDS.DOT, connecting knowledge and practices around soul, mind & body. In physical & digital.immersive spaces.
SEEDS.DOT is empowering individuals, connecting the dots to raise collective consciousness.

Vanessa is a
speaker, trainer and workshop facilitator on Emotional intelligence & Heart Coherence.
She is an accredited Life-coach, passionate about human mindset, spirituality & the power of emotions in every single customer or personal experience.

She advises innovative startups who create solutions to transform society.
Vanessa has worked the past 12 years for Retail & Luxury corporations as well as start-ups, and has a proven track of empowering brand identity, business with impact, meaningful marketing and true leadership. She coaches entrepreneurs & start-ups on brand strategy & go-to-market success.

She is a Soul guiding change in this new world, leading from the Heart and sharing the power of Love.

Decentralization : the real revolution is not technological – it is human


Heart coherence : Episode 2