Can you really be friends with an AI ?
Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Can you really be friends with an AI ?

There’s nothing to fear about the raise of AI if we, humans, start to deeply embody our humanity.
Our stories. What makes us truly unique.

AI friendships and companions are (like much in our society) temporary fixes to the loneliness and anxiety that rule our societies.
Evolution can only happen by us, humans, looking at ourselves and daring to connect deeply with each other.

Daring to face our (human) uncertainties, to walk through our (human) confusion, to look honestly inside ourselves instead of building masks.

Only then, we will see we all have the same wounds and difficulties. And we all have the same deep longing for hope, for more love, for purpose and contribution.

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Heart Coherence : Episode 3
Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Heart Coherence : Episode 3

Here is the very practical How-To bring your heart and brain into coherence.

3 step.
3 minutes a day.
A life-changer.

Just try it on :-)

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Emotional courage & (self-) Leadership
Emotional intelligence, Leadership Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist Emotional intelligence, Leadership Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Emotional courage & (self-) Leadership

Emotional courage empowers leaders to rise above fear and embrace the full spectrum of emotions.
It's about daring greatly, taking risks, and forging authentic connections.
Through self-awareness, bold action, and unwavering authenticity, you can unlock your leadership potential and inspire positive change.
Embrace emotional courage, and lead with passion and purpose.

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Understanding the Different Types of Intelligence
Emotional intelligence, Creativity, Business & innovation, Leadership Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist Emotional intelligence, Creativity, Business & innovation, Leadership Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Understanding the Different Types of Intelligence

When we think of intelligence, we often think of traditional measures such as IQ.
However, there are many different forms of intelligence that impact how we interact with the world and achieve success.
By understanding and embracing these various types of intelligence, we can unlock our full potential and enhance our personal and professional growth.
So, let's take a closer look at the different forms of intelligence and how they can shape our lives.

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