What is it ?

The science of heart-brain coherence is a new frontier.

We know more about the climate on Mars than on the functioning of the heart and the brain and how it is influenced by factors we didn’t think of like sun, moon.

Indigenous people & ancient tribes knew we are entirely connected to waves of energy and cycles of the universe.
Science is only catching up with it since the last years.

We live in times of tremendeous technology changes.
We are entering a new area - going back will never be possible again.

Technology, blockchain, models, patterns, programming.
But what do we know about the technology of our own machine - our body, our heart ?
What do we know about the patterns of our Heart ?
What do we know about the programming of our Heart ?

Did you know that Your Heart is not only a pumping machine?
It is sending signals to the brain, telling the brain what chemistry to release into the body.
Our heart is creating hormones that are floading into our body , creating emotions & reactions

We have always been thought the brain is the masterpiece of the body.
But the brain only receives signals from the heart - which generates those based on our perceptions, on how we feel, our relationships to ourselves, to the world around us. Do we feel safe? are we in constant stress & vigilance?

With the Science of the Heart, there starts to be understanding that we all have the ability to self-regulate and to regulate our answers.

We’ve been conditioned to rely on the outside for our sense of well being.
On society, on medicine, but we have seen lately that this doesn’t make people happy.
People are more stressed, more dependant, more depressed.
It just doesn’t work.

Ancestors knew and were aware of external chaos , or cycles, and were very aware of the power within - to know one-self & know how to control oneself.
We can take our sense of well being out of that outside and back to the inside
Claim our power, take our responsibility, self regulate our body and change how it responds to the outside world

When we harmonize heart and brain we awaken the opportunity to strengthen so many systems in our body

  • Our immune, nervous and hormonal systems,

  • Longevity enzymes

  • We can heal and reverse the damages occurred.

Bringing the Heart & brain in coherence make over 3000 biochemical reactions happen in the body.
Some we can be conscious of - and many are happening beyond our level of consciousness.

We can self regulate our biology at will on demand, when we choose to do so.

Heart- bain coherence is a foundational tool to bring harmony between the neural network of the heart with the neural network in the brain

To resume - What is heart coherence?

Coherence is a state where our heart, mind, and emotions are in energetic alignment with each other.
We can obtain this state with a simple breathing technique combined with intentionally experiencing renewing emotions.

There are so many benefits to doing a daily heart coherence practice including:

  • Feeling whole & deep inner peace

  • Decreased stress

  • Increased energy & vitality

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Emotional intelligence & mastery

  • Improved intuition

  • Better sleep

  • Being a powerful creator of reality

In our two next articles, we’ll share how it works and why it is so effective, as well as the details of the practice itself.
Stay tuned, and most of all stay tuned to your Heart

Vanessa Walach | Innovation & Consciousness | Emotional intelligence advocate | Brand & Business strategist

Vanessa is an entrepreneur, deeply passionate about technology, innovation and consciousness.

She is the Founder & Lead Practicioner of SEEDS.DOT, connecting knowledge and practices around soul, mind & body. In physical & digital.immersive spaces.
SEEDS.DOT is empowering individuals, connecting the dots to raise collective consciousness.

Vanessa is a
speaker, trainer and workshop facilitator on Emotional intelligence & Heart Coherence.
She is an accredited Life-coach, passionate about human mindset, spirituality & the power of emotions in every single customer or personal experience.

She advises innovative startups who create solutions to transform society.
Vanessa has worked the past 12 years for Retail & Luxury corporations as well as start-ups, and has a proven track of empowering brand identity, business with impact, meaningful marketing and true leadership. She coaches entrepreneurs & start-ups on brand strategy & go-to-market success.

She is a Soul guiding change in this new world, leading from the Heart and sharing the power of Love.


Heart coherence : Episode 2


Emotional courage & (self-) Leadership